Traditionally, drives have been considered power processors for controlling only the speed of a motor. But today, drives are also part of the information chain, using the advantage of built-in processing power, storage capacity, and communication interface, within the drive.
New features expand the drive’s capabilities and can be ordered in one package as licensed software with these drives from Danfoss:
- VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302
- VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
- VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102
- VLT® Refrigeration Drive FC 103
Selecting licensed features to suit your application will tailor the drive to your needs and create the best conditions for your application.
Reach out to your local Danfoss Drives salesperson for features like:
- Condition-based monitoring for VLT® drives: license-based software to monitor the condition and performance of the machine when the drive is in service. This enables you to predict failures, schedule maintenance and maximize uptime.
- Cascade 2.0 for VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202: Cascade control is a common control system used to control parallel pumps or fans. Cascade for multi-pump operation is ideal due to a high level of process control while running the solution more energy efficiently, saving money and decreasing CO2 footprint. The Multi-Master controller for VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 intelligently detects when a master unit is out of use and immediately delegates the management of the entire equipment to another drive.
And don’t worry if your drives aren’t new, you can still order and activate these features achieving the following benefits:
- Reduce drive stock variance by adding new features to different applications, still using only one drive ordering number
- Reduce service costs due to flexible change of SW-features without changing the hardware
- Fast plug-and-play feature activation
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