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Danfoss Eco™ - the smart radiator thermostat with Bluetooth

The Danfoss Eco™ is ideal for smaller home or when changing individual radiator thermostats.

Danfoss Eco™ is Bluetooth connected and via the app you can control your thermostat from 10 meters away.

If your radiators have inlet valves – then replacing them with Danfoss Eco™ is an obvious choice.

Danfoss Eco was introduced in 2011 and sold under the name living eco. Since 2017 the electronic thermostat has been named Danfoss Eco™.

Know your Danfoss Eco™

Danfoss Ally™ Protect RA

With the Danfoss Ally™ Protect, our existing radiator thermostat range is better suited for use in public buildings. The Danfoss Ally™ Protect is a protective case that will prevent the removal of the thermostat itself from the valve. The removal of the batteries, for own use elsewhere, is equally prevented. The Danfoss Ally™ Protect can be used for and fits both Danfoss Ally™ as well as Danfoss Eco™.

Danfoss Ally™ Protect RA​ is a solution for public buildings.

Danfoss Ally™ Power Module 24V

Danfoss Ally™ Power Module 24V is a solution that allows for a change of power supply to the radiator thermostat, batteries are replaced by main power, which can support different power sources (3.5-24V AC/DC).

With Danfoss Ally™ Power Module 24V, the product has a constant power supply and it saves facility manager’s time and avoids the physical replacement of a high quantity of batteries.

Danfoss Ally™ Power Module 24V​ is a solution for public buildings.




Danfoss Eco™ with Bluetooth automatically updates to the newest version of the software. This is done via Bluetooth. The app notifies the user when new software is available.
Installation of the software takes around 1 minute.

Software version overview



Danfoss Eco™ is a stand-alone thermostat, where all control and programming functions are operated on one thermostat at a time, either by turning the thermostat itself or via Bluetooth and the Danfoss Eco App and at a maximum distance of 10 m.
Danfoss Link™ communicates wirelessly with the Connect thermostats and is compatible with other Danfoss products such as underfloor heating (both electrical and water-carried), ventilation units, heat pumps and district heating controls. Danfoss Link™ has integrated WiFi, so that you can adjust the heat via the Danfoss Link App regardless of where you happen to be.
Both of the intelligent thermostats/systems have built-in saving programs, so you can adjust them to suit your family's needs and routines.

You can discuss your options with your local installer. With underfloor heating, unfortunately, it is not quite so easy.
Return valves were used in many district heating installations in the 1960s in particular, so it is an older technology. The advantages of changing to one-way valves are – besides having the opportunity to use electronic thermostats – that the heat can be more precisely regulated, which in turn leads to increased comfort and considerably improved energy efficiency.
We also recommend replacing older valves with valves with pre-setting in order to ensure the best possible cooling and thus energy savings in the radiator.

Yes – unless the valve is a double check valve, which has both one-way and return flow in the same valve. In this case you can not use electronic thermostats.

Demounting an old thermostat
You must demount your old thermostats before you can mount Danfoss Link™ Connect. Depending on your current thermostat you will need to use either a screwdriver or an Allen key to loosen the screw on the side of the thermostat. You can then unscrew the entire thermostat by turning it anticlockwise.

Mounting a new thermostat and adapter

First you need to find the right adapter. Danfoss supplies different adapters for the different valve types (in Denmark many valves are of the RA type). Use the adapter guide to place the different cuts of the valves and find the classification for the adapter that fits.

Note! Electronic thermostats are only mounted on one-way valve systems
The adapters cover more than 90% of all valve types, both for Danfoss and other manufacturers. If no adapter suits your valve, the valve is too old and we recommend replacing it with a new one.
You should then place the adapter onto the valve. Insert batteries into the Connect thermostat and mount the thermostat onto the adapter.

Why is only one radiator heating up while the other rooms are still cold?
If the cold air hits one of your Eco thermostats, this will open immediately and start heating up the room. The other Eco thermostats will therefore not detect the cold air and thus never open.

What you should do is adjust the temperature a little on the radiators that are not presently heating up. Perhaps 'the hot one' should be set to 20 degrees and 'the cold one' to 21 degrees to bring the room to the desired temperature.

Keep trying and feeling how hot the radiators are until they reach the same level of heating and cooling
If there is more than one radiator in the same room then we recommend that you use Danfoss Link™ with Connect thermostats, as the room temperature can then be controlled via a Danfoss Link™ RS Room Sensor placed somewhere central in the room.

Can I set the heating to turn off for a period myself?
The Open Window function is activated when the thermostat experiences a sudden drop in temperature of at least ½ degree over the course of 3 minutes. If this does not happen (if the cold 'seeps' slowly over to the thermostat) then the Open Window function will not activate.

An additional feature of Danfoss Eco™ with Bluetooth is that you can set the thermostat to turn off for a period yourself: Turn the thermostat quickly to the left so that it reads 6 degrees on the display (or the temperature you have set as frost protection).

When you want to turn the thermostat back on, you can do this easily either via the app or by turning the thermostat one notch to the right.

Energy savings occur when you reduce the heat.

As a general rule, you can save roughly 5% of the energy consumption for every degree you turn down the heat. We recommend that you lower the temperature 3-4°C at night and during the day while the family are out, e.g. from 21°C to 17°C.

You can also use the 'Holiday Function' while you are away from home for several days, e.g. on holiday.
If you replace a 15 year-old thermostat with Danfoss Eco™ thermostats, you can save up to 23% of your heat consumption.

We recommend replacing older valves with valves with pre-setting in order to ensure the best possible cooling and thus energy savings in the radiator.

Please visit our App Helpdesk where you can find additional help.


To ensure that the electronic thermostat reaches the desired temperature quickly, we recommend a difference between the Absent (sleeping) and Home temperatures of no more than 4˚C.

Danfoss Eco™ uses what we call an 'adaptive' function. This means that over the course of a week, the system gets to know the heating system so that it is then able to start heating up in time to reach the desired temperature at the correct time.

During the first week and seasonal transitions you will therefore experience slight fluctuations in the heat. This is completely normal and you will then be able to enjoy sleeping in a cool home while also being able to wake up to a lovely warm house – totally automatically.

Danfoss Eco™ updates automatically to the latest software (firmware) as soon as you connect the app to the thermostat.

You can see how this is done here: Updating of firmware

If you lose the connection to the thermostat during a software update, you can find help here.

Danfoss Eco™ is a stand-alone product, where you set the programming and controls on the individual thermostat.
You can use the Danfoss Link™ Connect thermostat together with Danfoss Link™.

And which smartphones can be used?
There is no limit to how many Danfoss Eco™ thermostats can be controlled from one smartphone.
And there is no limit to how many smartphones can control one thermostat.

The Danfoss Eco™ App can be downloaded to iPhone and Android devices. Unfortunately, the App cannot be obtained for Windows telephones.

No, you cannot turn the thermostat down further than 5 degrees, which is the minimum temperature for frost protection mode.

The frost protection mode is set in the Danfoss Eco App: Select Menu – Select Settings – Select Limits – Set Min. temperature (can be a minimum of 5 degrees).

You can do three things when the temperature rises in the summer and you wish to turn off the heat:

1. You can set the entire house on an indefinite break. This will turn the thermostats down to the frost protection temperature of 6 degrees. If it gets cold one night, you can quickly interrupt the break and warm it up.

2. You can set a holiday period, so the heat is reduced to the specified reduced temperature.

3. You can specify a lower comfort temperature, so heating first kicks in when it is colder than the specified temperature. This temperature is reset when the air gets colder.

1. Check that you have the correct adapter mounted

2. Check that the valve adapter is correctly screwed onto both the valve and the actual electronic thermostat. Screw tighter if necessary.

Why are my radiators heating doing night set-back periods?
The reason might be, that Adaptive learning is enabled.

The adaptive learning function (Forecast) ensures that the comfort temperature is reached at set time. The warm up time is continuously adjusted according to seasonal temperature changes.

Adaptive learning ensures the wanted temperature at the wanted time (here 20 °C at 07:00).
Adaptive learning uses data from the previous 7 days to be able to reach the correct temperature at the right time.
Adaptive learning is sensitive to large, rapid temperature changes.

In case you would like to disable this feature, it can be done in following way:

Swipe to the left from the App home screen ->

Go to settings ->

Advanced settings ->

Adaptive learning OFF

If you turn Adaptive learning OFF, heating will be running according to set schedule.

Danfoss Eco™ is using Bluetooth to communicate with Danfoss Eco App™.
To download and use the Danfoss Eco™ App you must use a smart phone device that follows these requirements:
IOS: Version 11 or higher and more recent models are compatible. The Danfoss Eco™ App is optimized for iPhone usage, but can be downloaded as well on iPads. Remember to search for iPhone App as we do not have a dedicated iPad App.
Android: Version 7.0 or higher*
*Android operative system is used by many smartphone manufacturers around the globe. These devices are communicating via Bluetooth in different ways and with different level of success.
Danfoss is aiming to ensure compatibility within widest possible range of popular Android smart phones.
Internal tests have shown that some Android smart phones are not responding well to Bluetooth devices, hence the connection is not always stable.

How can it be?
The challenge with Bluetooth connection is often related to battery powered devices that is optimized for long battery lifetime – no matter the type and brand. Bluetooth devices optimized for long battery lifetime does not communicate with the same intensity as mains powered Bluetooth devices. It means you might experience full compatibility with a Bluetooth loudspeaker, but encounter problems with the same smart phone device, trying to connect to a battery powered device. (Please notice that Bluetooth headsets etc. is not optimized for long battery lifetime).

If you are experiencing slow, or no connection to Danfoss Eco™? You might use this workaround.
You have Android device and you have some challenges in establishing a Bluetooth connection it is recommended to try the following:
Activate the Bluetooth protocol by turning the wheel or pressing the button whilst the Danfoss Eco™ App is searching for connection. Turning the wheel or pressing the button is increasing the ‘amount’ of Bluetooth communication and also the chance that connection can be established.
If you have an iPad or iPhone, then try to establish connection from one of these devices. If you succeed, then it is due to the Bluetooth connection speed on your Android device.

If radiator thermostat doesn't change set point temperature at the scheduled time, then you need to re-connect your smartphone with the internet access to the thermostat and new time will be updated via the internet automatically. If the issue remains the same, remove batteries from the thermostat or reset to the factory settings.

Bluetooth is a short-range radio frequency that operates on 2,4 GHz and is capable of  transferring data between two devices. Bluetooth smart is especially known for very low energy consumption. The maximum range is approx. 10 meters depending on the surroundings and building construction.

The range depends on the surroundings and building construction, but as a rule of thumb, the range should be up to 10m.

It is possible to control as many locations as you like although it is not possible to group thermostats, so you need to know which ones you have in your primary home and which ones you have in your second home.

Yes, if the thermostat haven’t been connected with an App, then it will operate as a standard thermostat. The set point in the display will be the temperature target. It is not possible to do schedule programming directly on the thermostat. 

Bluetooth is supported on smartphones from iPhone 4S and Android devices with software versions from 5.0.   For tablets please refer to manufacturers information. 

You can control one thermostat at the time, and pair up to 100 devices*, so you can switch between thermostats that are within Bluetooth range.

*Each paired thermostat requires 5 kb free space on the smartphone  

Yes, the display can be rotated 180 degrees. Please go to the full user guide for further instructions.

From Android 6.0 and later versions, Google has changed the permission requirements for Bluetooth LE scanning. This means "locations services" on the Android smart phone device must be enabled to search for, and establish connection to Danfoss Eco™. This requirement is implemented by Google not only for Danfoss Eco™, also for other Bluetooth devices.

Update failed – there is no response from the thermostat. The display is blank and no light is illuminating the red ring.

If the update failed, you have to open the thermostat list. Do that by closing the App completely, or simply press the thermostat name in the top of the home screen.

'Unknown thermostat’ should appear on the list. Choose ‘Unknown device’
Press install
Stay close to the thermostat

When you power Eco up, you must connect to Eco App to set time and date in the thermostat. The red ring light indicates, that time and date hasn’t been set. If you would like to use Eco without an App, and simply let it control the temperature in manual mode, then don’t worry, the light will stop flashing after 5 minutes.

If you experience slow connection time between the App and the thermostat on your Android device, then you might be able to speed it up by turning the thermostat wheel or pressing the button while the App is establishing connection.

Error E9: restricted valve closing ability. Danfoss Eco™ is installed on the valve incorrectly.
Pease check the installation following the next steps:

1. Be advised that Danfoss Eco™ should have enough free space in place of installation for precise room temperature measurement. It means Danfoss Eco™ shouldn’t be covered by curtains, decorative radiator coverage, furniture, etc. Also, distance between installed thermostat and another heat source (radiator, pipe, riser, etc.) should be enough long to prevent negative influence on the temperature regulation performance.  

2. Check if valve’s spindle moves (up/down) without any resistance and does not have any leakage;

3. Check if adapter was matched according to the valve type (installation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC8ThdqPH1s&t=8s)

4. Make sure that adapter and Danfoss Eco™ is tighten enough. Screw Danfoss Eco™ onto the mounted adapter until a click sound appears;

5. Pull one battery out and put it in Danfoss Eco™ again. This action will launch valve exercise procedure (from fully opened to fully closed position);

6. If after applying four steps above the issue remains the same, we highly recommend you to get technical support by the link: https://linkapp.danfoss.com/en/request or contact our Customer Service Center: 24/7 - International number, Tel.: +331 83 82 37 90 .  

Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI)

The minimum support period: Invoice date + 2 years.

Report security concerns or security vulnerability if you have discovered an issue with one of our products or services. 


Type Name Language Valid for Updated Download File type
Fact sheet Danfoss E-error codes description Danish Denmark 18 Nov, 2022 627.5 KB .pdf
Fact sheet Danfoss E-error codes description English Multiple 29 Mar, 2022 632.3 KB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco electronic radiator thermostat - Quick guide French France 17 Jul, 2017 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Croatian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.3 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Slovenian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual English Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Italian Multiple 02 Feb, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Danish Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Estonian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Russian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Czech Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Polish Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Hungarian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual German Multiple 01 Feb, 2022 4.6 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Turkish Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual French Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Spanish, Castilian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Ukrainian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Lithuanian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco Instruction Manual Finnish Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Fact sheet Danfoss Eco Software Versions English Multiple 20 Oct, 2023 151.5 KB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ — programmējamais radiatora termostats viedtālrunim 014G1001 014G1115 Latvian Latvia 24 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco™ Electronic Radiator Thermostat (Instruction Manual) Swedish Multiple 14 Dec, 2021 4.6 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco™ Elektronisks radiatora termostats Latvian Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco™ Instruction Manual Dutch, Flemish Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco™ Instruction Manual Norwegian Bokmål Multiple 31 Jan, 2022 4.4 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone Russian Multiple 12 Oct, 2020 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Portuguese Multiple 26 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Dutch, Flemish Netherlands 24 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Italian Italy 25 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Slovenian Slovenia 26 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Norwegian Bokmål Norway 25 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Lithuanian Lithuania 25 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Ukrainian Multiple 27 Oct, 2022 4.2 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Polish Poland 25 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Icelandic Iceland 24 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Spanish, Castilian Spain 26 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Hungarian Hungary 24 Oct, 2022 4.2 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Turkish Turkey 27 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Slovak Slovakia 26 Oct, 2022 4.2 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Swedish Sweden 27 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan Romania 26 Oct, 2022 4.2 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Bulgarian Multiple 21 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 French Multiple 24 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Finnish Finland 24 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 English United Kingdom 21 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Czech Czech Republic 24 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 German Multiple 21 Oct, 2022 3.5 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Danish Denmark 24 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Estonian Estonia 24 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 German Switzerland 21 Oct, 2022 4.0 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Croatian Multiple 21 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Programmable radiator thermostat for smartphone 014G1001 014G1115 Russian Multiple 05 Nov, 2020 4.1 MB .pdf
Data sheet Danfoss Eco™ Radiator Thermostat Data Sheet English Multiple 21 Oct, 2022 4.1 MB .pdf
Installation guide Danfoss Eco™ Radiator Thermostat Quick Guide Czech; Danish; German; English; French; Italian; Polish; Ukrainian Multiple 11 Jun, 2021 3.4 MB .pdf
EU-UK Declaration Danfoss EU-UK VCLTB102.06 English; Polish Multiple 27 Nov, 2024 2.4 MB .pdf
Energy Performance Certificate TÜV 12588902 German Multiple 27 Nov, 2024 272.5 KB .pdf