CO2 and SO2, MES 1002

In an effort to reduce Sulphur pollution, the International Maritime Organization has agreed that ships’ fuel must be limited to a maximum of 0.5 percent sulphur in the fuel as of January 1st 2020, globally. As consequence, decisions on how to comply with this limit must be considered.

There are overall three methods as for staying in compliance with the regulation. The ship can either sail on the more expensive low sulphur fuel oil (LFO), it can have engines running on alternative fuels such as natural gas installed, or an exhaust gas cleaning system scrubber can be installed to wash out particles and sulphur.

The scrubber solution enables the possibility of using the cheaper high sulphur fuel oil (HFO), which makes it an attractive solution for compliance. Using the scrubber solution requires monitoring of the exhaust, to ensure that the sulphur emission limit is held and that the scrubber is working.

MES 1002 measure SO2/CO2 in the exhaust gas at the scrubber outlet, and provides documentation of compliance of the scrubber process in meeting the 2020 Sulphur cap on 0,5% and limits of SECA areas.

MES 1002 together with Wash Water Monitor MES 1003 provides a complete scubber emissions compliance solution.

Features and Benefits

Documentation of compliance

TCO: Easy installation, manage, and maintenance

Tamper proof measurement

Remote access remote access over the internet, and this can be used for updates, monitoring of performance, and fault finding.

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