iC7 Filters

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Use filters to optimize harmonic performance of the system, ensure protection of the motor, or run with unscreened cables. Filters suppress harmonics or compensate for the harmonic effects of the drive on other equipment. They ensure the best possible reliability and efficiency for AC drives in system configurations where power quality is a high priority. 

To assess harmonic mitigation requirements for your system and find the best solutions, use the online tool MyDrive® Harmonics.

This advanced passive harmonic filter delivers optimized harmonic performance for iC7 drives rated up to 480 A. Meet higher capacity requirements by paralleling. This program offers 2 versions, for THDi system levels of 10% and 5% or better, respectively. This passive harmonic solution provides the best possible energy efficiency in part-load application, outperforming most AFE-based solutions.


  • Suppresses harmonics to meet THDi 10% or 5%, or better
  • Improves power quality to ensure maximum uptime
  • Ensures compliance with IEEE 519-2022 when installed with an iC7 drive

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Advanced Harmonic Filter OF7P2

LC Filter for AFE and grid converter drives in regenerative and low-harmonic applications. ​

When regenerative or low-harmonic application, an LC or LCL filter is mounted between the power supply and the drive. In close combination with the AFE or grid converter, this filter ensures correct power quality and minimal interruption to the grid. When one dedicated transformer serves each drive, then this LC filter is the correct choice. ​

Benefits ​

  • Ensures correct power quality ​
  • Minimizes interruption to the grid​
  • Optimally combines the waveform smoothing qualities of capacitor and inductor

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LC Filter OF7Z1

For liquid-cooled applications requiring an LCL filter, use LC Filter OF7Z1 in combination with L Filter OF7Z5. Do not use this L filter on its own. ​


  • Enables optimal performance of the LCL filter​
  • Minimizes harmonic distortion in the grid​
  • Suitable for regenerative and low-harmonic applications

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L Filter OF7Z5

LCL filter for air-cooled AFE and grid converter drive modules in regenerative and low-harmonic applications. When regenerative or low-harmonic functionality is required in an application, an AFE module in combination with its dedicated LCL filter is the right choice. In close combination with the AFE or grid converter, this filter ensures optimal performance and minimizes harmonic distortion in the grid. For liquid-cooled applications requiring an LCL filter, use LC Filter OF7Z1 in combination with L Filter OF7Z5. 


  • Ensures optimal performance of the drive or power converter
  • Minimizes harmonic distortion in the grid
  • Suitable for regenerative and low-harmonic applications

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LCL Filter OF7Z3

This sine-wave filter provides a sinusoidal phase-to-phase motor supply voltage. The filter reduces motor insulation stress and acoustical switching noise from the motor and allows the use of unscreened motor cables.


  • Reduces motor insulation stress
  • Reduces common-mode currents
  • Reduces acoustical switching noise from the motor
  • Provides optimum motor protection to prolong lifetime
  • Reduces losses in the motor

Find Sine-wave Filter OF7S1 in Product Store

Find Sine-wave Filter SM OF7S1SM in Product Store

Sine-wave Filter OF7S1

Install the dU/dt filter between the AC drive and the motor to eliminate very fast voltage changes. The motor terminal phase-to-phase voltage is still pulse shaped but its dU/dt values are reduced. 


  • Reduces dU/dt values on the motor terminal voltage
  • Protects motor insulation by suppressing output voltage spikes
  • Reduces current leakage and losses in the motor cable and motor

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dU/dt Filter OF7U1

The combined dU/dt and common mode filter eliminates fast voltage changes to reduce stress on the motor insulation. It also mitigates high frequency noise in the motor cable (shielded or unshielded) and reduces bearing currents in the motor.


  • Eliminates fast voltage changes to reduce stress on the motor insulation
  • Mitigates high frequency noise in the motor cable
  • Reduces bearing currents in the motor

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dU/dt & CM Filter OF7U2

This common-mode filter reduces high-frequency currents associated with electrical discharges in the motor currents. It reduces or even eliminates these electrical discharges. This effect reduces wear on the bearings, which extends their lifetime, reduces maintenance costs, and improves uptime. Compatible with iC7 drives.


  • Reduces high-frequency currents
  • Reduces wear on the bearings and extends the lifetime of the bearings
  • Reduces maintenance costs and improves uptime

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Common-Mode Filter OFXC1

A DC/DC converter requires a DC filter between the DC source and the converter for current control and the ability to boost voltage. The DC/DC filter smooths the current and voltage waveforms, making them suitable for most DC sources or loads. 


  • Smooths the current and voltage waveforms, to make them suitable for most DC sources and loads
  • Boosts voltage on the DC/DC converter
  • Stores energy and reduces the di/dt slope of the load current. The stored energy is released back to the system with decreasing current 

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DC/DC Filter OF7D1

Compatible products





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Air-cooled system module

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Harmonic filters 


Advanced Harmonic Filter OF7P2











Input filters


LC Filter for AFE OF7Z1











LCL Filter for AFE OF7Z3











LCL Filter for AFE OFZ1 + OFZ5











Output filters 


Sine-wave Filter for FC OF7S1/Sine-wave Filter for SM OF7S1SM











dU/dt Filter OF7U1











dU/dt and CM Filter OF7U2











Common-mode filters


Common-mode Filter OFXC1











DC/DC filters


DC/DC Filter OF7D1












Type Name Language Valid for Updated Download File type
Installation guide iC7 Advanced Harmonic Filter (AHF) English Multiple 18 Apr, 2023 10.5 MB .pdf
Installation guide iC7 Sine-wave Filter_OF7S1 English Multiple 20 Apr, 2023 1.9 MB .pdf