Compact, reliable solutions for SWRO at sea
Marine and offshore applications place special demands on their seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems.
At sea for days and even months at a time, running out of fresh water is not an option for passengers and crews. Nor are quick service calls in case of malfunction. That’s why operational reliability and low maintenance are key for mission-critical components like high-pressure pumps and ERDs.
Like all other seawater desalination applications, energy efficiency also matters at sea, where every drop of diesel saved is a drop earned. Finally, because space is precious onboard most platforms and vessels, compact designs are much preferred to bulkier alternatives.
Danfoss has a decades-long track record in providing the high pressure for marine SWRO applications. Every day across the seven seas, our proven range of APP pumps and iSave ERDs provide unparalleled reliability for vessels of many types and sizes.
Our customers can expect unsurpassed energy efficiency and the most reliable, low-maintenance operation of any comparable solution – all in the smallest footprint on the market.
Features and benefits
Highest efficiency rates in the industry
High reliability is achieved by selecting highly corrosion resistant materials
Simple design ensures low maintenance
Fewer parts and a compact design save space for other purposes onboard a ship
Oil free lubrication eliminates the risk of contamination
Pressure independent solutions offers flexibility when sailing between different waters
How SWRO helps marine salmon aquaculture
Learn how SWRO plays an innovative and important role in keeping salmon raised in marine aquaculture free from parasites through freshwater treatment on specially built wellboats.
50% less energy
By using APP high-pressure pumps and iSave ERDs from Danfoss, the energy consumption was reduced by 50% compared to other SWRO solutions
How to remove sea lice from salmon gently
SWRO is an innovative and safe way to eliminate sea lice from salmon for them to stay healthy and profitable
Related products
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The range of iSave energy recovery devices, with booster pump included, is optimized for both landbased, off-shore and marine sea water reverse osmosis application.
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The MPE 70 energy recovery device is optimized for both landbased, off-shore and marine sea water reverse osmosis applications.