Solenoid Valves Uncovered

Date: 25 January, 2022
Location: Online
Solenoid Valves

Solenoid Valves Uncovered

Do you have a lot of questions about "how to fix a solenoid valve," "how to troubleshoot them," and more? Then you are in the right place. 

Our expert, Tom Jensen, is all set to take you through the world of solenoid valves and help demystify them. 

First webinar out of "Solenoid Valves Uncovered" series is dedicated to the overview of the Solenoid Valves portfolio. 

You will learn:

  1. How to identify solenoid valves for particular applications
  2. What solutions are covered by solenoid valves portfolio

Join us on the webinar on 25th of January at 9:00 or at 15:00 CET.