Rethinking Efficiency in Buildings
Introducing the latest in the Net Zero series of whitepapers which takes a deeper look at Offices, Data Centers and Multi-family houses. The report highlights Ecofys' findings on HVAC optimisation and potential energy savings and sets out the challenges, benefits and trends and opportunities for a Green Restart.
It was a great pleasure to have you all join us online and be part of the Danfoss Climate Solutions online event, in partnership with elemental. Did you miss this event? Then don't worry, you can still join us on the path to Net Zero. With 15 webinars to choose from, you can access all the recordings right here! The webinars are dedicated to Offices, Data Centers and Multi-family homes - you'll be sure to find a discussion that piques your interest.
The buildings festival will help you to make your buildings greener by bringing you cutting edge engineering that increases energy-efficiency and indoor comfort whilst decreasing costs and time spent on building management.
Download the whitepapers in our Net Zero series

This is where the transformation starts
The buildings of today are responsible for 40% of global energy use and nearly half of all city-wide emissions. At Danfoss, we are engineering energy efficient and digital solutions, that enable buildings of the future to be more sustainable and reduce emissions, without compromising on comfort. This is where a new generation of buildings starts. If we work together, we help make a greener and better future a reality.
Danfoss is at the forefront of energy efficient technologies and empowering smart communities, so partnering with elemental was a natural choice for us. We engaged in some meaningful discussions on how we work towards the UK climate goals and bring our solutions and products to life with Danfoss Climate Solutions Live. It’s also the launch of our latest whitepaper that focuses on the challenges and some of the possible solutions in ensuring offices, data centres and apartment buildings are able to contribute to a more sustainable future.
Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy use and around 1/2 of city-wide emissions, which makes them a crucial starting point in the Green Restart. The green recovery packages create an opportunity to make buildings more energy efficient and ensure they will be playing an active role in an increasingly integrated energy system.
The report published by the energy consultancy Ecofys is the first to confirm and quantify the huge, untapped potential for energy savings at EU level, that can be achieved by retrofitting technical building systems.
It’s time to unlock the opportunities hidden behind concrete, glass and steel to create massive savings, more jobs and better places to live.
Get up to speed by watching any or all of the webinars set over the 3 days to listen to the hot topics as well as gain expert advise from our key industry-leading guest speakers.
- 30% of total EU energy consumption is used to heat and cool our buildings
- 70% of an average household’s energy bill is spent on heating and cooling
- 36% of the EU’s carbon emissions comes from buildings
- 1 in 10 people in the EU struggle to heat their homes
- 110m citizens live in buildings with hazardous concentrations of pollutants due to inefficient ventilation
The potential:
- 30% average potential energy savings by optimising technical building systems
- 2 years average payback period
- 14% of the EU 2030 energy efficiency target could be met by optimising technical building systems
- 156 Mt CO2 emissions could be saved by optimising technical buildings – the equivalent of the emissions produced by 82 million cars
- 67bn Euro could be saved on energy bills annually in 2030
- 300,000 jobs could be created in Europe by manufacturing and installing energy efficient products and services