Step into a high performance, energy efficient & sustainable future
Leverage the power of Levitation
Danfoss Turbocor® compressor - the world’s first oil-free magnetic bearing compressor, is 35% more energy efficient and is future-ready to meet the forthcoming regulatory norms.

Magnetic Levitation Tech
Our Magnetic bearings technology is the secret behind the most efficient, reliable, quiet, and low maintenance centrifugal compressor in the world – Low Loss & High Gains
Benefits Proposition Blocks

Lowest IPLV of 0.29 KW/Ton

What makes Turbocor a highly energy efficient compressor?

How is Turbocor's oil-free technology better than conventional chillers’?

How does Turbocor’s Magnetic Levitation Technology make it a better compressor?

0 drop in performance over the lifetime of the chiller

Lowest Starting Current of just 2 amps

How does Turbocor start with a low starting current of just 2 amps?

How can Turbocor protect itself from power outages or extreme fluctuations?

What makes Turbocor an intelligent compressor?

How is Turbocor an environment-friendly and future-ready compressor?

Compatible with Green Refrigerants with an Ultra Low GWP < 1