Learn about Danfoss Commercial Compressors as a condensing unit and compressor manufacturer.
To improve product quality and production flexibility we at Danfoss, make use of several tools and techniques:
- Air conditioned production areas with constant temperature and humidity.
- CNC equipment with precision down to a few microns.
- Versatile assembly lines for a whole model range in each facility.
- Systematic preventive maintenance (TPM: Total Productive Maintenance).
- A clean and safe working environment.
Danfoss Commercial Compressors is developing autonomous production groups and enforces teamwork and group involvement by using different methods like:
- Hoshin Production Flow (focus on value-added operations)
- 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitshuke - Organization, Orderliness, Cleanliness, Standardized cleanup, Discipline)
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange Die, quick change of tools)
Individual workers are given more responsibilities and are trained thoroughly. Tools, machines and work environments are continuously kept clean and orderly. All with 2 major goals:
- To improve efficiency.
- To create a more pleasant and safe working environment.

Reyrieux, France
Headquarters and Reciprocating & Scroll Compressors Manufacturing
Danfoss Commercial Compressors
B.P. 331
Z.I. de Reyrieux
01603 Trévoux Cédex
Phone: +33 4 74 00 28 29
Fax: +33 4 74 00 52 44
Time zone: GMT +1

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Condensing Units Manufacturing
Danfoss do Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Rua Américo Vespúcio, 85
06273-070 Osasco – São Paulo
Phone: +55 11 2135 5400
Fax: +52 11 2135 5455
Time zone: GMT -3

Wuqing, China
Scroll Compressors Manufacturing
Danfoss (Tianjin) Limited
No 5, Fu Yuan Road
Wuqing Development Area
Tianjing 301700
Phone: +86 22 8212 6400
Fax: +86 22 8212 6407
Time zone: GMT +8

Apocada, Mexico
Condensing Units Manufacturing
Danfoss Industries SA de CV
Carretera Miguel Alemán # 162
66634 Apodaca - Nuevo Leon
Phone: +52 81 8156 5685
Fax: +52 81 8156 5625
Time zone: GMT -6

Arkadelphia, USA
Scroll Compressors Manufacturing
Danfoss Commercial Compressors
1 Scroll Drive
AR 71923 Arkadelphia
Phone: +1 870 246 0700
Fax: +1 870 246 0707
Time zone: GMT -6

Tallahassee, USA
Turbocor® Compressor Manufacturing
Danfoss Turbocor® Compressors Inc.
1769 E. Paul Dirac Drive
FL 32310, USA
Phone: +1 (850) 504-4800
Fax: +1 (850) 504-0280
Time zone: GMT -5
Danfoss factory among world’s smartest
The World Economic Forum identifies 16 of the world’s most advanced smart factories – so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution production sites. Danfoss’ factory in Wuqing, China, is one of them. Read why.