ACREX Hall of Fame
ACREX Hall of Fame is a industry benchmark instituted by Danfoss India and ISHRAE. The objective is to recognize and celebrate iconic HVAC&R projects that are setting global benchmarks in energy efficiency and sustainability.

Towering Efficiencies - ACREX Hall of Fame
This showcase mankind’s efforts to do good for the nature and its’ children - to enable sustainable living, to reduce pollution, to revive damages and to restore environment friendly practices for the generations to come. An inspiration for every architect, builder, innovator - to go beyond established norms.
2020 finalists of ACREX Hall of Fame
Adobe Systems, Sector 25, Noida
The design incorporates open work spaces close to the facade bringing
in natural light, while the thermal transmittance and solar control
building skin reduces heat ingress.
Spacious collaborative and recreational zones are integral parts of the campus to encourage employee health and wellness.
Thoughtfully designed terraces further add to the aesthetics of the building, whilst further reducing the heat ingress.
Sustainability initiatives
- Screw Chillers with IKW of 0.75 to 0.60
- Variable Frequency Drives
across Chillers, Air Handling Units,
Secondary Pumps, and Cooling Tower Fans - 18% reduction in water consumption
within 1 year of multiple countermeasures - 100% LED lighting with Occupancy Sensors
- In-house Sewage Treatment Plant
with MBBR Technology, Ultrafiltration and UV Systems feed
recycled water for horticulture, flushing & external cleaning - Indoor Air Quality of
< 35 microgram per cubic meter - Fresh air intake through Chemical Filtration
and Heat Recovery Wheels
Indian School of Business, Mohali
The IGBC Platinum-rated campus boasts lush green lawns, a widespread
tree cover, and a one-of-its-kind Geothermal HVAC System
with zero water discharge.
The buildings sport white rooftops that reduce heat island effect, with insulation above & under deck for the entire campus decrease load on air conditioning systems.
ISB Mohali has bagged several awards such as the Smartest Educational Building in India, the Most Energy Efficient Educational building in Punjab, and the Best Green Campus Award.
Sustainability initiatives
- VFDs installed on Chillers, Secondary Pumps, Cooling Towers, and Air Handling Units
- Geothermal HVAC system with Zero Ozone Depletion Potential Refrigerant ensures zero water discharges
- 40% of the building is daylit and
90% LED light fixtures with automated lighting control - 100% Solar Photovoltaic
for basement lighting - Highly efficient Cross-wave Modular Rainwater Harvesting System
- Use of PIBCV on AHU for ensuring thermal comfort
- 100% Organic Waste converted
on campus used for horticulture
ITC Kohenur, Hyderabad
ITC Kohenur’s architecture is inspired by nature. Its unique building structure captures maximum sunlight. The building profile is smoothened to merge with nature and site landscape. It is folded within setback and further tapered to reduce solar gain. Insulated walls and roofs with high thermal mass, thereby reducing energy needs. The design is not just sustainable but is future-proof as well. Some of its bays, featuring sky gardens, can be turned into rooms in the future, thereby not interfering with the original architecture. Moreover, ITC Kohenur uses 55% locally procured regional materials, thereby further reducing carbon footprint caused by transportation and other sourcing factors.
Sustainable initiatives
- Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chillers
with COP of 6.4 - Variable Frequency Drives &
- Pressure Independent
Balancing Control Valves on Air Handling Units for
continued thermal comfort in varying occupancy levels - 85% of regularly occupied areas are daylit and
33% reduction in lighting energy use compared to code - Shuniya Aqua - In-house filtered drinking water
that has traveled ‘Zero’ km - 77% reduction in water demand by using onsite Sewage Treatment Plant and low flow fixtures
- Enhanced Indoor Air Quality with 30% more fresh air than required norms
- Centralised collection for wet & dry waste with on-site Organic Waste Convertor
Vestas Wind Technology, Ahmedabad
Vestas Ahmedabad boasts of an innovative building concept has a
4.5 m multi-level service alley with a separate utility corridor to isolate
production and services areas. This makes the Ahmedabad facility
more aesthetic, the most energy efficient, and fastest built facility by Vestas across the world. The idea has been adopted for other Vestas projects across the globe.
Moreover, it has a fully insulated building envelope made with mineral wool service panels. The facility employs centrifugal chillers with auto tube cleaning system, CTI certified Cooling Towers, and Air Handling Units fitted with MERV 8 filters and jet nozzles to reduce the duct temperature rise.
Sustainability initiatives
- Automatic Tube Cleaning System in Chillers
and CTI-certified Cooling Towers - Air Quality Monitoring System for PM 2.5, PM 10, NOx,
SOx, Co2 and VOCs with regular audit - Variable Frequency Drives in Centrifugal Chillers
and Secondary Pumps - Around 10 kl of low temperature condensate water for reuse in Cooling Tower
- Around 28 lakh per annum saved by installation
of Air to Air Cross Flow Plate Type Heat Exchanger - 100% Rainwater Harvesting done with a 50 KLD
Sewage Treatment Plant based on MBBR Technology
Inductess in ACREX Hall of Fame

Exemplar Edifices : Blueprint for a sustainable future
Buildings in India consume close to 40% of the nation’s total energy today. We spend more than 80% of our life indoors in buildings. Thus, energy conservation in buildings becomes a cornerstone of any sustainable development strategy and efforts. Further, more than 40% of the energy consumed in a building is by the building HVAC system. Danfoss & CEPT Research and Development Foundation
(CRDF) have partnered to bring together this compendium will be a source of inspiration, and provide guiding principles and valuable insights to stakeholders in the industry in making their future projects greener and more energy efficient