Burner components
For millions of people worldwide, oil burning plays an important role in their everyday lives, their work and their industries.
Each stage of the oil burning process is managed by an important component, securing optimal performance with minimal influence on the environment.
To get the best value out of the process, oil burner manufacturers have for more than 50 years relied on Danfoss Burner components, like pumps, valves, preheaters, nozzles, controls and igniters.
Oil burners are typically installed in single family houses or residential buildings, where they generate heat for radiators and hot water systems.
Oil is an excellent medium when you need a heating system that can stand alone.

District heating
District heating is an environmentally friendly source of energy. It does not emit exhaust fumes or pollutants at the point of use. It doesn’t require a gas tank, oil tank, boiler or heater. All it needs is a substation. This separates the supply network and the building installation and efficiently transmits the district heating.