Hydronic balancing of HVAC heating and cooling systems is essential for many reasons. It is necessary in order to achieve proper indoor comfort and for the system to run as efficiently as possible. If the hydronic balance is not properly in place, end-user complaints, extra costs and reduced lifetime value of the system can be expected.
Danfoss offers a hydronic balancing solution for every situation:
Pressure-Independent Balancing and Control Valves combine hydronic balancing and temperature control functionalities in one product. They are simply set to the design flow and used in both heating and cooling systems with variable flow conditions.
Automatic balancing valves eliminate pressure fluctuations occurring in variable flow systems. With additional pre-setting radiator valves that limit the maximum flow through e.g. radiators, the system can be hydronically balanced. Another automatic balancing solution is provided by the Pressure-Independent thermostatic radiator valves which combine the control of differential pressure and flow limitation in one valve.
Thermal balancing valves establish a proper balance by using the temperature entering the circulation pipes of Domestic Hot Water system risers. This provides a very efficient system.
Manual balancing valves can be used in systems with a constant flow, such as systems with 3-way control valves. They need to be commissioned to establish the design flow.
Improved energy efficiency and indoor comfort
Fewer complaints about uneven heat distribution
Fewer complaints about system noise
Savings on pump dimensions and energy consumption
Relatively short payback times
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }为什么对热水满意是客人对酒店满意度的关键?
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }AB-QM
AB-QM 动态压差平衡型电动调节阀 (PIBCV) 为 HVAC 供暖制冷系统提供控制功能和动态平衡解决方案。PIBCV 专为各类终端设备而设计,旨在提高公共建筑和商业建筑的室内舒适度和能效。
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }配有 CCR2+ 的 MTCV
MTCV 热动平衡阀为饮用水应用提供基于温度的动态平衡解决方案。联合 CCR2+,为监控和消毒 DHW 系统建立了一套智能节能的电子控制解决方案。
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }散热器阀
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }ASV 动态压差平衡阀
ASV 动态压差平衡阀为双管供暖或制冷应用提供动态平衡解决方案。安装立管的阀门可消除部分负载条件下,变流量系统中发生的压力波动。为获得适当的水力平衡,此类阀门应与预设阀门结合使用。
if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Leno MSV
凭借 LENOTM MSV,丹佛斯为配有恒定流量系统的不同 HVAC 供暖制冷应用提供各种各样的手动平衡阀。阀门尺寸为 DN 15 - 50,具备多种实用价值。