A combined differential pressure controller and flow controller (PQ) consists of two independent differential pressure controllers and a flow restrictor (manual balancing valve) integrated in one valve body.
This device has two functions:
1) A differential pressure controller maintains fixed differential pressure over the flow restrictor (flow control). This ensures automatic flow limitation, independent of pressure variations in the system.
2) A differential pressure controller maintains constant differential pressure over motorized control valves or over the entire loop.
This is the best solution for the district heating utility as it enables both variables (maximum flow and differential pressure) to be set independently of the consumer’s heating control system. Especially when the subscriber station is owned by the consumer, the utility has no influence over flow limitation at the consumer’s end of the system.
This enables the district heating utility to control the flow available for each consumer as well as the differential pressure control at the substation. This allows efficient network balancing.
Another solution is the PB controller, which consists of one pressure controller and a flow restrictor (manual balancing valve). The PB is used in systems where independent flow and differential pressure are not required.

Differential pressure and flow controllers in district heating or cooling systems (variable flow)
Balance your network, save energy and improve end user comfort by hydronic balancing and control of district energy networks.
Eliminates pressure variations and provide optimum operating conditions with improved temperature control quality
Made for demanding systems, resistant to corrosion, cavitation and dirt
Connected system is protected against pressure surges, fluctuations, cavitation and noise
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