ICF Flexline™ 组合阀

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高度灵活性,这正是 Flexline™ ICF 阀组件的关键词。这些阀组件基于独特的模块化理念,是 Flexline™ 平台的组成部分。


四种基本配置即可满足 90% 的应用,并可实现 50 多种自定义配置。这意味着更快速的安装和更短的检修时间。

阀组件适用于所有常见的高压和低压制冷剂、液体管路、压缩机喷射管路和热气管路。经认证,它们最高可承受 52 bar (754 psi) 的压力,可适用于绝大多数的制冷剂系统。



安装时只需两道焊口,节省 80 % 的安装时间





ICF 不锈钢阀组件 - 丹佛斯

新型 ICF 不锈钢阀组件



类型 名称 语言 适用于 已更新 下载 文件类别
产品手册 A new dimension in installation and service - the ICF valve station from the Flexline series 德语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.2 MB .pdf
产品手册 A smarter and fast way for installation (ICF Flexline) 丹麦语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 Bardziej przemyślany i szybszy, Montaż i serwis (ICF Flexline) 波兰语 Multiple 27 11月, 2014 535.9 KB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語 (CN) Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.8 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 俄语 Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 葡萄牙语 Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 西班牙语, 卡斯蒂利亚 Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 波兰语 Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 英語 Multiple 08 12月, 2015 3.0 MB .pdf
产品手册 ICF Large 德语 Multiple 16 12月, 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 葡萄牙语 Multiple 16 4月, 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 波兰语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 西班牙语, 卡斯蒂利亚 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 俄语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 英語 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 荷兰, 佛兰芒语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 丹麦语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 法语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 意大利语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible 中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語 (CN) Multiple 23 9月, 2014 2.7 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family 英語 Multiple 17 4月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family 法语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family 意大利语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family 西班牙语, 卡斯蒂利亚 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster route to Installation and service (ICF Flexline) 俄语 Multiple 04 4月, 2016 5.2 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster way to install and maintain (ICF Flexline) 葡萄牙语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
产品手册 The smarter, faster way to installation and maintenance (ICF Flexline) 荷兰, 佛兰芒语 Multiple 23 3月, 2015 5.1 MB .pdf


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