Customer Service and Tech Support
Service you can rely on 24/7 — around the world
You can get immediate access to our Customer Service or Technical Support experts: 1-888-DANFOSS (1-888-326-3677) or email tech support
Please have the following information available before you call tech support:
- Review Solutions for the Top 10 Tech Support Calls
- Product information
- Images of: cable connections; filters, resisters, fuses, chokes etc; any external hardware linking to the drive
- Motor data: include motor datasheets or a reference circuit diagram of external equipment
- Cable data
- Network type TT, IT, NT, NT-S etc.
- Alarms/warning you have experienced
- MCT 10*.ssp file and MCT10 build version

DrivePro® Professional Drive Services
Stay calm. You're covered.
When circumstances threaten your uptime and budget, Danfoss DrivePro® programs provide the solution. With coverage and replacement programs, professional services, and spare parts, DrivePro® has the solutions to keep you up and running.

E-business for sales partners
Danfoss sales and service partners, access tools to support your business, including IPC+ product configurator and promotional items.